Our Mission

At Clean Brand, we have a simple goal: to make sustainable living easy and affordable for everyone. This means minimizing cost, minimizing waste, and maximizing value.

Our Story

Our Inspiration

In 2007, I was working as a Parliamentary intern in Westminster, London during a G8 Climate Change Conference to establish lower carbon emission targets. I felt disenchanted by how slow, and frequently ineffective, political action was. It often was 1 step forward and 2 steps back. After the job was over, I departed for the business world and never looked back.

It wasn't until the pandemic in 2020 that forced my thoughts inward to reawaken my passion. I had been wanting to start a green business for a long time, and had been searching through many ideas. One day as I perused the grocery aisle for soap and cleaners, all that was left was overpriced premium sustainable products that were 2-3x times the cost of normal brands. It was then that I realized the most value able thing in the world is ACCESS.

During the pandemic, there was a significant drop in global carbon emission as the world went into lockdown. Obviously that was unsustainable, but the light bulb went off in mind. If we can make it significantly cheaper for people access sustainable goods, then together through mass action, we can make a monumental environmental impact. I always believed climate change was an economic problem that can change people's decision. People can be reliably self-interested. So we gotta change their access to previously premium green products.

It Was A Long Road

We'd like to say this idea was an immediate stroke of genius on our part.

...That was not the case. In our quest for ways to make the distribution of soaps and cleaners greener, we explored a number of ideas, including an in-store mechanical fountain-like dispenser of fluid refills (about which the less said, the better). After a few misadventures, we eventually came to dissolving tablets.

Only Safe & Natural Ingredients

Once we had settled on tablets as a distribution method, we realized that it wasn't enough to simply provide products that were more sustainable — we wanted to make them better for all of you as well as the earth.

In pursuit of that goal, we avoid any VOCs, parabens, chlorine, or animal cruelty (granted, that one's technically not for you, but the animals sure appreciate it).

Ocean Pollution

Experts believe that the most important component of plans to remove plastic pollution comes from reduction — and reduction is our specialty. By encouraging the extensive reuse of existing bottles, we can do our part to limit ongoing plastic dumping in our oceans.

Plastic pollution in the oceans is so vast that its scale is scarcely imaginable. Currently there are over 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean. Lined up, that trash would stretch far enough to circle the Earth 400 times. By 2050, plastic is expected to outweight all the fish in the ocean.

For more info, you can see this PEW Report on ocean plastic pollution.

Never-ending Quest To Improve

We remain committed to finding and sourcing from the best ingredients and partners available to provide you with a product that you can trust will have care and quality involved in every step of its journey to you. We spent a year on research and development before our first tablets shipped out. We also interviewed the operators of waste management facilities, and spoke to academics researchers in the field to get their guidance on how to make the greatest impact. The message to us was clear: recycling is inefficient, and the greatest contribution we can make is to help encourage re-use and reduce disposable single-use plastics.

For us, this is the fulfilment of a long-standing dream that began that day at the lake. We just want to do what we can in our industry to help make the world a better place.

© 2024 Happy Go Lucky LLC